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How to Legally Dodge Income Tax: The Bulletproof Hack

2 min read

I've got some insider info on how you can totally, and I mean totally, legally dodge income tax. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, we've got this amazing bulletproof trust strategy that can help you do just that. You might need to tweak a few things in your business operations, but trust me, it's not a big deal. In some cases, you won't need to change a thing! All you need is a shiny new trust and a new bank account. Let's dive into the nitty-gritty. 

The "In God We Trust" Comparison: 

You know the phrase "In God We Trust" that's plastered all over U.S. dollars, right? Well, guess what? The U.S. trusts that phrase so much that they don't pay taxes to anyone. Yep, you heard me. And guess what? You can run your business the same way, legally avoiding income tax by doing exactly what they do – getting yourself the McCaig Mastery Trust. It's that simple. 

Trusts and Tax Breaks: 

Here's the deal with trusts: they're designed to receive grants and not generate income. So, anything stashed in a trust stays tax-free. It's as plain as day – no income, no taxes. So, if you're wondering how to legally dodge income tax, it boils down to setting up one of our trusts. 


In a nutshell, you can legally skip out on income tax by following the same playbook the United States does with their trust in "In God We Trust." Set up a trust, and you can kiss income taxes goodbye. Sure, it might mean a few tweaks to how you run your business, but trust me, the payoff is worth it. Sayonara to income tax and hello to financial freedom! 

Also in LAA Freedom

LAA Newsletter October 18th, 2024
LAA Newsletter October 18th, 2024

1 min read

Welcome to our Newsletter. We will post new updates weekly to keep you up to date on any discounts and the latest news from Liberty Aid Academy.
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